Thermocatalytic hydrogenolysis of combustible oil shales

  • Zhaksyntay Kairbekov BSE Scientific Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials of the RSE al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  • Valentina Yemelyanova BSE Scientific Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials of the RSE al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  • Anatoly Maloletnev Moscow State Mining University
  • Bedelzhan Baizhomartov BSE Scientific Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials of the RSE al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Keywords: shale, organic mass of shale, catalyst, hydrogenolysis, liquid products


The article describes the possible prospects of oil shale for production of motor fuels. In steady-state conditions in the reactor and shaken vigorously by running the installation studied the influence of key process parameters that determine the effectiveness of hydrogenolysis rich shale (pressure, temperature, contact time, the nature of the catalyst), shown that the use as catalysts of natural polymetallic ores containing compounds of nickel and iron, titanium and iron will reach more than 90% strength transformation of organic mass of shale, optimized process conditions, have developed a scheme for motor fuels hydrogenolysis shale.


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Cited by: 1

1. Gyul'maliev AM, Maloletnev AS, Kairbekov ZK, et al (2014) Thermodynamic calculation of the equilibrium composition of the gasification products of oil shale from the Kendyrlyk deposit. Solid Fuel Chemistry 48:112-116. CrossRef

How to Cite
Kairbekov, Z., Yemelyanova, V., Maloletnev, A., & Baizhomartov, B. (2012). Thermocatalytic hydrogenolysis of combustible oil shales. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 68(4), 119-125.