Synthesis of monomers based on cyclic and heterocyclic acetylene alcohols

  • T. Gilazhov Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, Atyrau
  • A. Abilkhairov Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, Atyrau


The article is devoted to the synthesis of new monomers on the basis of cyclic and heterocyclic acetylene alcohols. New monomers obtained by interaction chloride of metacrylic acid with the corresponding alcohols. Synthesized methacrylic esters of cyclic and O,S,N- containing heterocyclic acetylene alcohols, are defined by their physical-chemical properties, set the structure of the methods of IR, the DMR-spectroscopy. Thanks to the presence of several reactive centers (double, triple) communications and content of cyclohexane, piran, thiopiran, piperidino groups, these connections can be important convenient objects of study of chemical transformations and obtaining on their basis of a number of promising substances.


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How to Cite
Gilazhov, T., & Abilkhairov, A. (2012). Synthesis of monomers based on cyclic and heterocyclic acetylene alcohols. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 65(1), 237-241.