Isolation and investigation extracts from raw material of tanniferous plants.

  • L. Mamonov RSE Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
  • V. Zavadskiy al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. Ponomarev RSE Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
  • Ju. Vassilyev RSE Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
  • V. Mursaliyeva RSE Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
  • N. Gemejiyeva RSE Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology


Result analysis of extracts received from raw material of tanniferous plants are given. Analysis were carried out with help comparing UV and IR spectors of extracts with spectors of different pure tannins. Biological activity of tested extracts studied too.


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How to Cite
Mamonov, L., Zavadskiy, V., Ponomarev, B., Vassilyev, J., Mursaliyeva, V., & Gemejiyeva, N. (2012). Isolation and investigation extracts from raw material of tanniferous plants. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 65(1), 285-289.