Research of inhibitor properties of the modified polymeric phosphates

  • A. Rakhova West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Otemisov, Uralsk
  • A. Niyazbekova West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Otemisov, Uralsk
  • S. Dauletkalieva West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Otemisov, Uralsk
  • G. Kuanysheva West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Otemisov, Uralsk


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How to Cite
Rakhova, A., Niyazbekova, A., Dauletkalieva, S., & Kuanysheva, G. (2012). Research of inhibitor properties of the modified polymeric phosphates. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 65(1), 365-369.