Development of the method for obtaining carbon ceramic adsorbents based on porous carbon

  • Makpal Seytzhanova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Makpal Kerimkulova Institute of Problem Combustions, Almaty
  • Erlan Shyntoreev al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Seithan Azat al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Almagul Kerimkulova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zulkhair Mansurov Institute of Problem Combustions, Almaty
Keywords: clay, rice husk, carbonization, ceramic sorbent, strength, surface area


Currently the world experiences a shortage of pure water, so the problems associated with water purification become most important. Increasingly stringent environmental requirements for water require the search for new environmentally friendly technologies. One of such techniques is based on the purification of water by adsorbent obtained from natural raw materials. The current situation in this area of research has caused the need to improve selective sorption technologies and treatment processes of contaminated fluids in order to address resource and environmental issues.

In this work, carbon-ceramic sorbents were obtained from carbonized rice hull (CRH) and Tonkeris clay (from Tonkeris region, Kazakhstan) by activation with phosphoric acid (5% H3PO4) at a temperature 900-1200°C. Surface area, porosity, adsorption capacity of methylene blue and the sorption capacity for heavy metal ions of the obtained carbon-ceramic sorbents were studied. Optimum activation temperature of samples is 900°C. The sample containing 30% CRH has the highest mechanical strength.


Author Biographies

Makpal Seytzhanova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Institute of Problem Combustions, Almaty
Seithan Azat, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Institute of Problem Combustions, Almaty
Almagul Kerimkulova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Institute of Problem Combustions, Almaty


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How to Cite
Seytzhanova, M., Kerimkulova, M., Shyntoreev, E., Azat, S., Kerimkulova, A., & Mansurov, Z. (2015). Development of the method for obtaining carbon ceramic adsorbents based on porous carbon. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 78(2), 36-41.
Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry