A new electrocatalytic systems based on bisorbents from rice husk
The article studies results of carbon-based and amorphous silicon dioxide bisorbents (BS) synthesis. Data of the sorption characteristics of new bases for producing modified systems to use these in electrocatalysis are presented. Forpreparation SiO2/C baseas the raw material rice husk (RH) was chosen. A series of experiments was performed to optimize parameters of the RHcarbonization byvarying oftemperature and time process. The material obtained from the RH thermal destruction products was modified by the heteropoly compound (NH4)3[Co3O6Mo6O18H6] · nH2O and thermally reduced by hydrogen. The registration of the voltammetric curves was carried out at pH = 6,22 in the background electrolyte of 0,1 M Na2SO4 and pH = 4,45 in 0,1 M KC8H5O4.The potential ranges were -1,2В ÷ 1,2 V and -1,0 V ÷ 0,2 respectively. The mechanism of the electrochemical processes on these materials has been studied. It is shown that the obtained composite electrode materials exhibitelectrochemical activity in the investigated potential regions and they are characterized by the stability of redox properties. The main ways of using the obtained composites are outlined.
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