Fuel processing in plasma-chemical reactors

  • V. Messerle SRI of Experimental and theoretical physics, Almaty
  • A. Ustimenko SRI of Experimental and theoretical physics, Almaty
Keywords: plasma torch, plasma reactor, fuel, thermochemical pre-combustion, pyrolysis, gasification, hydrogenation, complex processing of coal


The results of long-term studies of plasma-chemical technology of pyrolysis, hydrogenation, thermo-chemical pre-combustion, gasification, plasma radiation and complex processing of solid fuels, including uranium-bearing shales, and cracking of hydrocarbon gases are presented. Thermo-chemical preparation of fuel for combustion is carried out in a plasma-fuel system which is a reaction chamber with a plasma torch while the remaining fuel use plasma technology are carried out in a plasma-chemical reactor of combined type with nominal capacity of 100 kW in which the zone of heat release from an electric arc is combined with the zone of chemical reactions

Author Biographies

V. Messerle, SRI of Experimental and theoretical physics, Almaty

Scientific Research Institute for New Chemical Technologies and Materials, SRI for Combustion problems

A. Ustimenko, SRI of Experimental and theoretical physics, Almaty
Scientific Research Institute for New Chemical Technologies and Materials, SRI for Combustion problems


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How to Cite
Messerle, V., & Ustimenko, A. (2013). Fuel processing in plasma-chemical reactors. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 71(3), 36-44. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15328/chemb_2013_336-44