The character of dc component of line-to-earth voltage in phosphoric and calcium carbide ore-smelting furnaces

  • A. A. Pedro Limited Liability Company "LENNIIGIPROKHIM" (LLC "LNGH")
  • M. P. Arlievsky Limited Liability Company "LENNIIGIPROKHIM" (LLC "LNGH")
  • R. V. Kurtenkov Limited Liability Company "LENNIIGIPROKHIM" (LLC "LNGH")


On example of phosphoric and carbide furnaces is considered character of change and the nature of existence a constant component (Ucc) in a phase voltage of ore-smelting furnaces with closed furnace throat. The size and directionUcc depends on a ratio of electrode processes chemical interaction with reactionary zone components and a degree of development and a condition of burning electric arch.


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How to Cite
Pedro, A., Arlievsky, M., & Kurtenkov, R. (2018). The character of dc component of line-to-earth voltage in phosphoric and calcium carbide ore-smelting furnaces. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 63(3), 41-45.
Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry