Waste reception coarse rock phosphate with thermal phosphoric acid single-by energy efficient tehnologii

  • M. P. Аrlievsky Limited Liability Company "LENNIIGIPROKHIM" (LLC "LNGH")
  • I. R. Nemirovsky Limited Liability Company "LENNIIGIPROKHIM" (LLC "LNGH")
  • U. V. Shkarupa Limited Liability Company "LENNIIGIPROKHIM" (LLC "LNGH")


Processing of low-grade rock phosphate to produce phosphoric acid, single-stage thermal method of energysaving technology allows the introduction of phosphate raw materials industrial processing of low quality,not subject to other methods of enrichment, to produce low-cost thermal phosphoric acid, suitable for high-quality fertilizer. At the way the patent for the invention №2420452.


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2. Немировский И.Р., Арлиевский М.П., Шкарупа Ю.В., Варфоломеева Ю.М., Бороздина Л.С. Патент №2420452 «Способ получения термической фосфорной кислоты и устройство для его реализации», 2009 г.
3. ТУ 2142-002-00209450-96 «Экстракционная фосфорная кислота «улучшенная».
4. http://www.epapump.ru/ksk/produkciya-ksk
How to Cite
АrlievskyM., Nemirovsky, I., & Shkarupa, U. (2018). Waste reception coarse rock phosphate with thermal phosphoric acid single-by energy efficient tehnologii. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 63(3), 23-27. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15328/cb988